I have taught piano lessons for over 10 years at a local primary school in Australia and have done some classroom music teaching as well. I also had completed my 4th year in psychology and therefore understand how to teach kids. From my teaching experience, I found that in this modern age, one has to implement technology with teaching to make the lessons fun for kids. That is why that I believe that PianoCourse101 offers piano lessons that is not only well structured by engaging for children.
Utilising a white board with rhythm exercises, explaining terms in a visually presentable manner is one unique method in making learning fun for kids.
PianoCourse101 is delighted to announce that our website is in its final development phase. Once it is ready, users can then subscribe for our newsletters or register. The first 50 students who subscribe, comment and give a thumbs up on their homework will be eligible to enrol in our first Level 1 Course Competition. First, Second and Third place winners will receive some sort of free lessons for Level 1.
Due to copyright issues, I cannot show the interior design of the book and therefore, I recommend that you purchase a copy of the book from the following link:
You can also purchase an affordable Yamaha Keyboard here: