Part 2: Chord secrets for learning beginning piano fast to play hundreds of songs instantly

Continuing from Part 1: In addition to being able to easily play chords using the Number System instead of wrote memorization, the same techniques can be used to play chord progressions, which is what we’re focusing on here.

As in lesson #1, I’m going over a lot quickly here, and once you understand how songs are a series of chord intervals, you’ll be able to learn and remember songs easier, as well as be able to “transpose” those chords to different music keys, because instead of just memorizing the chords, you’re memorizing the Number System behind the chords.

This is a piano tutorial for beginners, but even if you are an intermediate piano player you will pick up some shortcuts about basic left-hand accompaniment, recognizing chords and intervals quickly by watching this fast-moving video.

This is how working musicians learn music by ear… I’ve rehearsed and recorded with world-class musicians. I’ll show you how THEY work out songs, learn chords fast, play songs quickly, and how you can do the same thing and impress your friends by becoming a “Piano Genius”. 🙂

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos.

What else about learning and playing the piano are you having trouble with? Leave your comments and questions below.

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