Piano Lessons – C Major Scale (Right & Left Hand)

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The C Major Scale – Piano Lessons

The C major scale is usually the first scale piano players learn. It has 8 notes, and starts and ends on C. They are c -d -e -f – a-b- c.

Visually, it’s probably the easiest, because it is all white notes. As long as you know where C is, you will be able to play the correct notes.

The part that can be tricky is getting the correct fingering. The thing to remember is that the thumbs and third fingers are the ones doing the tucking or crossing.

The right hand starts with the thumb on C and continues stepping up to the third finger. After that, the thumb tucks under the middle finger to the next note (F) and this allows the rest of the fingers to get in place. After the thumb plays, continue stepping up to C. To come back down the scale, reverse the fingering.

The left hand starts with the pinky on C and steps up to the thumb which is on G. Then the middle finger crosses over the thumb and plays the A. The pointer finger and thumb finish up the scale.

C Major Scale fingering for the right hand
1-2- 3-1- 2-3-4-5

C Major Scale fingering for the left hand
5-4- 3- 2-1- 3-2-1

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